Choreographic Innovation

A corner-stone of our work is to commission outstanding choreographers to make original work for non-dancers living in challenging life circumstances.  

Our ‘Choreographic Laboratory’ model immerses and artistically stretches DUY artists and guest choreographers. Our experience reflects that choreographers value this collaborative model for their own core artistic practice whilst DUY continues to develop quality work which is current and relevant.

This model has now been successfully adopted with respected and established choreographers in the industry – Jasmin Vardimon Company, Tim Casson, Paul Smethurst, Luca Silvestrini (Protein), Tamsin Fitzgerald (2Faced), Lea Anderson and New Adventures - resulting in the creation of new and inspiring cohort pieces.

We are also developing an increased number of ‘mentoring’ opportunities with choreographers; a model which invites choreographers to offer the DUY team guidance along a creative process, in more specific areas such as intergenerational work and dance film. These have included Tom Roden (New Art Club) and Gary Clarke.

“Working with DUY was an incredible experience…..To have the time, space and support to plan a project in the detail that DUY did is extremely rare. It shows the dedication, ambition and drive that the company have to really want to make a difference to the lives of young people. I thoroughly enjoyed my time imagining, testing, creating and pushing the team to try new things”

Tamsin Fitzgerald, Artistic Director, 2Faced Dance Company 




Memories of the Future